Girl in Bionic Suit 2007: The only long entry you are going to read in a while.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The only long entry you are going to read in a while.

I feel sorry that I have not been writing at all. Truth is, I am currently quite bankrupt intellectually and find it difficult to write at random. I was not very rich in this aspect before, but I am doing poorer than an elementary school kid now. Work takes up most of my waking hours. And if I happen to fall asleep doing my numbers or reports, chances are, my sleeping hours are not spared from it either. So reading anything non work-related to broaden my perspectives is a luxury I am too tired and lazy to explore.

These past days I was feeling pretty out of sorts. A temperature finally hit me on Friday. At 6-plus that morning, I texted my Team Leader informing her that I was down for the day. By noon I was told that she actually went to ask the colleagues whom I had dinner with the previous evening, what we ate/did that caused me to be out of office that day. They said, that was not very nice of her. I just shrugged.

For a good part of the day I worked from home. It was difficult to work without the systems but I had some help from the office, and most things went smoothly. It was a fairly profitable day and I was pleased as punch.

I finally went to see my GP in the evening. He was concerned that my symptoms were similar to that of dengue fever, something which is all the rage right now. So he prescribed some pretty strong medication for me. If I am not well by Monday I am supposed to return for a blood test.

Till then I am going to take a good rest, before the next hectic week cruises along. And if I feel well enough I might just pick up that book which I have wanted to read for a long time.
posted by redshot on 22.7.07


Blogger 丫头 said...

Hie gal, rest well, and hope u recover soon!

Blogger redshot said...

Thank you. I'm already loads better. So I believe I don't need to go for that blood test anymore. Yay!

Blogger Lara said...

Hey, it's been a while since you've written. Missing it.

Good to hear that you're better now. Get plenty of rest and hope you get to read that book!


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